Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Polityka oświatowa III RP jako czynnik erozji kapitału społecznego 

      Śliwerski, Bogusław (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      The essential for building the society – the category of social capital, becomes a base for educational politics in Poland in new structural conditions after 1989. Author reminding ideological and axiological assumption ...
    • Dylematy etyczne rozwoju sportu zawodowego 

      Smoleń, Andrzej; Pawlak, Zbigniew (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      This paper discusses in detail the ethical issues in the contemporary professional sports and shows how these issues are addressed in the European Union countries and in the United States. From the ethical perspective ...
    • Erozja autorytetu nauczyciela akademickiego – czy ta tendencja może ulec zmianie? 

      Polok, Grzegorz (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      The increasing trend concerning loosing respect towards honoured authorities can nowadays be observed in most of the areas of social life. This refers also to universities and decreasing respect towards academics. The study ...
    • Gry aksjologiczne a zarządzanie projektem informatycznym 

      Krupa, Marian (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      Every professionally managed project is performed accordingly to precise defined principles, methods and a plan. As well, IT projects, which are major business ventures globally these days, are governed with similar ...
    • Etyka – zagrożenie wolności nauki? 

      Kowalczyk, Stanisław (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      Paper has three parts. Te first part gives the reasons for need of liberty external-social of science guaranteed by law. Speaks about it Declaration of human rights in 1948 and social teaching of Church – including documents ...
    • Dobro moralne w praktyce zawodu nauczycielskiego 

      Ślipko, Tadeusz (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      The idea of the moral good is considered a desirable and appreciated real existence. With reference to teachers it constitutes a personal pattern of judicious acting. Their special task is not only to teach necessary ...
    • Kwestie etyczne w prawie giełdowym okresu zaborów i pierwszych lat niepodległości Polski (do 1921 r.) 

      Marks, Bogusław Piotr (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      The object of the article are the questions concerning the „ethical aspects” of functioning of stock exchange law during partitions of Poland and in the first years of independent Poland. The analysis covers the period ...
    • Etyczne i ekonomiczne aspekty kategorii zasoby społeczne Stanisława Gąbińskiego 

      Szymański, Zdzisław (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      Stanisław Głąbiński (1862–1941) professor at the Lvov University, the author of a two volume work entitled „National economics” is a representative of the historical-national trend in Polish economics. The subject matter ...
    • Koncepcja odpowiedzialności społecznej firm farmaceutycznych 

      Makowska, Marta (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      The burden of social responsibility is on the pharmaceutical industry. It is producing drugs and medical equipment which have to fulfill high quality standards, because they are very important from society point of view. ...
    • Personalistyczna koncepcja społeczeństwa u Jana Pawła II w kontekście wybranych obszarów relacji lekarz-pacjent 

      Burda-Świerz, Katarzyna; Kapias, Michał (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      Considering world’s social and ethical problems, it is unavoidable to omit the area of medical issues in which biological and therapeutic revolution took place. Pope John Paul II points out indirectly that doctor–patient ...
    • Korelacja etyki z gospodarką w doktrynie Herberta Spencera 

      Górecki, Olgierd (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2010-05-15)
      Herbert Spencer is one of the most distinguished representatives of Nineteenth-Century liberalism. Originality of his doctrine is based on combined concepts of social evolutionism with postulates of conservative liberalism. ...