Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę.

Recent Submissions

  • Okrzemki rzeki Luciąży 

    Kalinowska-Kucharska, Ewa (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    The paper contains a list of taxa of diatoms identified in samples taken from the Luciąża river in 1974 and 1979. There were determined species occuring in all the analyzed samples. Two kinds of diatoms rarely met in ...
  • Szata roślinna rezerwatu "Jeleń" koło Tomaszowa Mazowieckiego 

    Mamiński, Maciej (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    In "Jeleń" nature reserve the following plant communities have been distinguished: Caricetum elatae Koch 1926, Caricetum vesicariae Br.-Bl. et Denis 1926, wet meadow of Molinietalia, Carici- Agrostietum canlnae R. Tx. ...
  • Flora uroczyska leśnego Mierzyce koło Wielunia 

    Kurzac, Maria (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    In Mierzyce forest range there were revealed 274 species of vascular plants. In the forest range flora, two rare species were discovered, and namely: Senecio fuchsil Gmel. and Adenophora lililfolia (L.) Bess. It is ...
  • Ocena środowiska przyrodniczego doliny rzeki Warty pod Jeziorskiem przy pomocy metod geobotanicznych. Część I. Flora 

    Krzywańska, Jadwiga (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    The article discusses the first part of studies which aim to determine the relationship between differentiation of habitats and potential as well as real vegetation in the Warta river valley. It contains listing of the ...
  • Materiały do flory segetalnej okolic Łowicza i Skierniewic 

    Warcholińska, A. Urszula (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    The paper contains a presentation of general characteristics of segetal flora in environs of Łowicz n\d Sklerniowico as well as a list of 259 weed varieties, which were found on arable fields and in gardens between ...
  • Glony rzeki Rawki 

    Rakowska, Barbara (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    The article contains a presentation of results of qualitative and quantitative studies on microbenthos of the Rawka river. There were marked 413 taxa of algae in all, Including: Cyanophyta - 17, Euglenophyta - 12, ...
  • Prof. dr hab. Jakub Mowszowicz (5 XII 1901-18 XII 1983) 

    Sowa, Ryszard (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
  • Wykaz taksonów z rodziny Mesotaeniaceae i rzędu Desmidiales torfowiska Bagno Przerębiec 

    Lesiak, Teresa (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    In Przerębiec Peatbog, in Szczerców Valley (Piotrków province) there were indentifled 202 taxa from Mesotaenlaceae familie and Desmldlales order. Samplex taken in 1979 and 1980 were compared. There were discovered 86 ...
  • Materiały do flory Polski w Herbarium Universitatis Lodziensis. Część X 

    Fagasiewicz, Lucyna (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    The paper contains materials of Herbarium Universitatis Lodziensis from the Umbelllferae family with the exception of Anthrlscus, Pimplnella, Heracleum species, and Anethum, Apium, Coriandrum, Foeniculum, Levlsticum, ...
  • Zespoły leśne z udziałem jodły w uroczyskach Krogulec i Szczawin koło Zgierza 

    Filipiak, Ewa (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    The paper contains phytosociological characteristics of forest communities with a big participation of the fir-tree in the tree-stand, which reaches here a northern boundary of its range. There are distinguished the ...
  • Flora synantropijna Sieradza i Zduńskiej Woli 

    Sowa, Ryszard; Warcholińska, A. Urszula (Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1984)
    The paper presents results of studies on the synanthropic flora of Sieradz and Zduńska Wola carried out between 1977- -1981. The Synanthropic flora of these towns is characterized by its big diversification and rich ...