Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Zagadnienie bliskości w badaniach nad rozwojem terytorialnym. Podejście instytucjonalne
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013-10-24)
Despite the growing role of the international scale of the economic development, also the local and
regional level still remains its important factor. This conclusion has led to a re-definition of the meaning of
proximity ...
Institutional economics – a potential tool of the research on socio-economic development of regions
(Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, 2013)
Despite not questioning the important role of the processes of globalization in shaping the conditions for national economies, there is still a discussion on the role of regions (considered as the components of states) in ...
Is the community of Łódź informed about living in creative city? City of Łódź’ branding strategy and its perception
(University of Economics in Katowice, 2013-09-14)
In the recent years, one can observe a growing interest in the creativity and its role in local and regional development. Creative businesses, industries, cities or regions seem to be not only a new trend but simply a ...
Marketing of places
Main issues and key questions for the "marketing of places" academic course
Zagadnienie bliskości w badaniach nad rozwojem terytorialnym. Podejście instytucjonalne
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013)
Despite the growing role of the international scale of the economic development,
also the local and regional level still remains its important factor. This conclusion has
led to a re-definition of the meaning of proximity ...
Region wobec procesów globalizacji – terytorializacja przedsiębiorstw międzynarodowych (na przykładzie regionu łódzkiego)
Praca poświęcona jest problematyce konkurencyjności regionów w warunkach globalizacji gospodarki, w aspekcie ich zdolności do uruchamiania procesów przemian, prowadzących do tzw. terytorializacji przedsiębiorstw międzynarodowych. ...