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dc.contributor.authorHyt, Ewa
dc.contributor.authorStasiak, Andrzej
dc.identifier.citationHyt, E., Stasiak, A. (2023). The influence of the Crown of Polish Mountains on the attitudes of its ascensionists. Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development, 27 (1), 26-39.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this article is to identify the changes in the (intra- and interpersonal) attitudes of experienced travellers after climbing the highest peaks of the 28 mountain ranges in Poland. The survey was conducted on 617 members of the Club of the Ascensionists of the Crown of Polish Mountains. The respondents provided subjective evaluations of the changes in their attitudes (in nine proposed areas) that resulted from regular mountain hikes. The obtained results demonstrated a significant improvement in the practical skills related to mountain climbing, which was greater than the change in attitudes to other people and the physical condition of the respondents. The most significant changes concerned knowledge of Polish mountains, ability to plan trips, and persistence in pursuing goals. Statistically significant differences were also found between the ages, genders, and frequency of trips (in particular in reference.pl_PL
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMiscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development;1
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Międzynarodowe*
dc.subjectmountain tourismpl_PL
dc.subjecttourists’ attitudespl_PL
dc.subjectpersonal and interpersonal changepl_PL
dc.subjectchange through travelpl_PL
dc.subjectthe Crown of Polish Mountainspl_PL
dc.titleThe influence of the Crown of Polish Mountains on the attitudes of its ascensionistspl_PL
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