Developing low-energy data analysis methods for Large-Sized Telescopes and observations of Flat-Spectrum Radio Quasars with Cherenkov telescopes
My doctoral thesis is focused on the exciting field of gamma-ray astrophysics, which deals with the
study of the highest-energy part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Ground-based observations via
Cherenkov telescopes are the primary tool used for investigation in this area. My research endeavors
to contribute to this field in two ways. Firstly, I have made a number of contributions to the standard
analysis chain of LST-1 data. The new analysis methods that I developed involve low-level calibration
techniques such as raw signal correction to reduce noise and time calibration to improve time resolution.
I have also developed special cleaning methods that account for noise from calibration runs to improve
the accuracy of my analysis further. Secondly, I have undertaken a detailed study of FSRQs (Flat
Spectrum Radio Quasars) using MAGIC telescopes.