Promocja a rozwój lokalny gmin wiejskich województwa łódzkiego
The author takes up the issue of supporting development of rural areas by
means of application of marketing concept. She focuses on the promotion activity initiated by the representatives of the local government. The main thesis of
the dissertation is fonnulated in the fonn of the theorem about existence of the
connection between types of communes distinguished in tenns of diverse share
of social, economic and cultural development factors and their promotion activity. Therefore, the dissertation aims at presenting connections between particular
types of communes and their promotion activity. The essential objective of the
dissertation is associated with its cognitive aspect, that is recognition of connections between indicated types of communes, and their promotion activity as well
as practical aspect, i.e. identification of promotion tools which may be useful in
management of development ofterritorial units. Taking it into consideration, the
dissel1ation can be applicable. The dissertation consists of eight chapters. The firs one is the theoretical and
methodological background ofthe survey. It presents a theoretical perspective of
taken up issues, literature connection between local development and promotion
treated as the element of territorial marketing. Additionally, the research problem as well as methodological premises are described. The second chapter presents the specificity of the research territory, that is the Łódź province, putting
special emphasis on rural areas. Chapters three, four and five are devoted to the
theoretical framework. The third chapter indicates three aspects (economic, social and cultural) of the local development. The chapter is also a theoretical base
for construction of indices depicting three aspects of development of investigated communes. In the fourth chapter, the author presents a definition and the
subject of promotion, that is the specific marketing product - rural commune.
What is more, the chapter describes main recipients and promotion tools. The
fifth chapter is a theoretical typology of promotion actions enriched with examples coming from the activity of rural local governments of Poland. Chapters six,
seven and eight arc the empirical part of the dissertation. In the sixth chapter
factors of local development of investigated communes are determined and subject to the analysis. The typology of communes that occurred as a result of combinations of factors described above was also presented. The seventh chapter includes results of the research on the promotion activity (promotion actions,
their intensity as well as distinguished types of these actions). [n the last chapter
relations between variables mentioned above, i.e. between promotion and development types and between intensity of promotion actions and types of development of investigated communes, were described. The dissertation ends up with
the summary in which the author refers to verified hypotheses and conclusions
resulting from the analysis ofthe empirical material.
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