Ocena jakości nauczania przedmiotów ekonomicznych na przykładzie Wydziału Ekonomicznego Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie
In the article was conducted indirect control of the learning process based on learning outcomes
of compulsory and directional subjects, which are realized on the first degree of full-time
studies of Economics in the Faculty of Economics of West Pomeranian University of Technology
in Szczecin. Learning process was evaluated through:
- analysis of the distribution of grades obtained in the exam of the compulsory subjects for
all students (to detect anomalies in the process of assessing the degree of assimilation of knowledge
by over- or undervaluation of marks);
- application of Ward method to identify similar groups of subjects in respect of obtained
- analysis of the relationship between grades obtained in completion and exams for the same
subject (to detect significant differences in the grading system).