Zasady polityki handlowej zawarte w statucie GATT a warunki uczestnictwa Polski
The article contains an analysis of principles of trade policy stipulated in
the statutes of GATT from the point of view of conditions of Poland’s participation
in GATT. Hence the structure of the article, that is to say the article is
divided into two parts. In the first part the author characterizes the principles
of trade policy themselves as formulated in the statutes of GATT. This refers
obviously to basic instruments of trade policy i.e. the most-favoured nation treatment, customs tariffs, and quota restrictions. This analysis makes it possible to
pass to the second part, in which there are discussed conditions of Poland’s
participation in GATT, and possibilities of negotiating their newer form. The
analysis ends with the Tokyo Round, the debates of which were still in progress
when this article was being written.