Międzynarodowe umowy handlowe Polski z zagranicą
The article sets forth to discuss the importance of trade agreements in foreign
trade of Poland. The character and contents of the agreements are determined by
the socio-political system of the country with which Poland enters into such
agreements. The article consists of two parts. In the first part the analysis is
focussed on trade agreements concluded between Poland and socialist states, and
especially on their importance, procedure of concluding these agreements, their
contents and consequences for Polish foreign trade organizations. The second
part of the article presents trade agreements, as a basic element of the treaty
policy of the state, which creates suitable conditions for foreign trade organizations
to conduct trade exchange in the markets of developed capitalist countries.
The analysis of contents and scope of the agreements reveals the evolution in
economic relations between countries of different socio-political systems in line
with provision of the Conference on Security and Coperation in Europe.