Korzystanie przez miejską ludność w starszym wieku z usług rejonowego lecznictwa ogólnego w Łodzi
The article contains ananalys is of the Influence of the
main demographic factors (sex and age) on the utilization by elderly people in Łódź of services provided by local public health-care units. The analysis was based on empirical data obtained through
researches conducted in 1978 with in the framework of the centrally sponsored research project on "Needs of Elderly People in
the Sphere of Health Protection".
The research findings showed that district general clinics
are quite regularly visited by elderly people. On the average,
every third person visiting an internist in a district clinic
was over 60 years of age with women representing the majority of
Patients aged from 65 to 69 accounted for the biggest number
of medical consultations. On the other hand, elderly people were
visiting outpatients’ clinics about six times a year. As compared
with the above figures the average number of home calls
did not exceed, with doctors visiting double the number of women
than men at their homes. In the sample of persons of sixty and
more years of age home calls represented about 20 p.c. of all medical consultations.
Determination of the in fluence exerted by factors shaping
the fulfilled demand will constitute a basis in forecasting the
future trends.