Browsing Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica nr 006/1981 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Sektor państwowy we Włoszech
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The article contains a synthetic presentation of the state sector genesis in Italy. The quoted data concerning investments commissioned by this sector, its share in employment, and industrial output as well as the analysis ... -
Przedsiębiorstwo jako podmiot tworzenia i podziału społecznego funduszu spożycia
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The paper sets forward to justify the objective necessity of creation and distribution of benefits of the social consumption fund in socialized companies. The author proceeds from an assumption that the company Is not ... -
Naukowe podstawy planowego kształtowania cen w ZSRR
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The author presents properties of prices as a special socio-economic category. In an interesting way there are discus sed causes of relative independence of prices in relation to their value bas is and causes of prices: ... -
Zmiany systemowe realizowane w Jugosławii po roku 1974
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)At the beginning of the seventies there was initiated in Yugoslavia a program aimed at preparation of changes of the economy's functioning system. These changes in their basic assumptions constituted a continuation of ... -
Modele z indukowanym postępem technicznym
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)Problem of endogenuity of technical progress — so seemingly obvious — has not been discussed hitherto in any more comprehensive manner in the economic literature concerning the economic growth theory. The reason for this ... -
Poglądy ekonomiczne Mikołaja Danielsona (N-ona)
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The article contains a critical analysis of economic view s of Mikołaj Danielson (pseudonym N-on), one of leading representatives of the nationalist movement. The author's attention is focussed, first of all, on the ... -
Ceny translerowo-kooperacyjne wielkich organizacji gospodarczych (niektóre problemy cen wewnętrznych)
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)In the article the author discus ses some problems of transfer and co-operation prices in big economic organizations. The discussion is preceded by analysis of certain general problems of internal prices i.e. settlement ... -
Rola akumulacji kapitału we wzroście gospodarczym RFN w latach 1950 - 1970
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The paper is an attempt at presentation of factors which played a primary role in creation of the new accumulation mechanism of the FRG. Among main factors determining the process of the capital accumulation the author ... -
Internacjonalizacja kapitalistycznego sposobu produkcji w obecnej fazie jego rozwoju — niektóre formy i sprzeczności
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)Objective tendency toward socialization of productive forces leads to a new and irreversible phenomenon in contemporary capitalist countries. It consists in internationalization of particular production elements and ... -
Poglądy Włodzimierza I. Lenina na sprzeczność między produkcją a konsumpcją w gospodarce kapitalistycznej
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)Lenin is an author of a new interpretation of contradictions between production and consumption in the capitalist economy. He claims that, these contraditions spring from the law of faster growth of output of production ... -
Próba klasyfikacji kompensaty podwyżek cen detalicznych
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The paper tackles problems connected with definition ol the concept of compensation of retail price hikes and there is made an attempt at classification of the compensation from view point of different criteria of division. ... -
System podatkowy i jego rola w wyrównywaniu dochodów w Szwecji
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The Swedish taxation system is basically of progressive character and the degree of its progression is very high. It concerns mainly the stata income tax bringing the highest budgetary revenues. It should be noted here ... -
System wynagrodzeń kadry inżynieryjno-technicznej a stymulowanie postępu technicznego w przedsiębiorstwie
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)New solutions in the economic management system introduced by Bill No. 130 of the Council of Ministers induced us to launch empirical researches on effectiveness of these solutions in the field of stimulation of interest ...