Próba klasyfikacji kompensaty podwyżek cen detalicznych
The paper tackles problems connected with definition ol the concept of compensation
of retail price hikes and there is made an attempt at classification of the
compensation from view point of different criteria of division. The author proceeds
from the assumption that determination of the phenomenon of the retail price hikes
compensation is of gnosiologicals ignificance and constitutes a prerequisite of
appropriate utilization of this phenomenon in the economic practice.
It has been determined that the concept of the retail price hikes compensation
should be understood as a process aiming at neutralization (cushioning) or full
elimination of losses suffered by the population due to the above mentioned price
Class ification of compensation has been carried out according to the following
1) according to compensation methods,
2) according to income brackets of the population,
3) from the view point of the compensation degree,
4) from the time viewpoint,
5) from the view point of the operation mechanism.