Poglądy ekonomiczne Mikołaja Danielsona (N-ona)
The article contains a critical analysis of economic view s of Mikołaj Danielson
(pseudonym N-on), one of leading representatives of the nationalist movement. The
author's attention is focussed, first of all, on the problem of conditions of capitalism
development in Russia in 19th century (often discus sed in Danielson's works), and the
problem of limits to development of capitalism as a system of economic management.
The basic thesis of Danielson, which says that no country possesses possibilities
for economic development over a long period of time on the capitalist way, became
a starting point for his search for other than capitalist paths of Russia's development in 19th century.
In the final part of the article there are presented Danielson’s propositions concerning
liquidation of the economic backwardness of Russia in 19th century.