Poglądy Włodzimierza I. Lenina na sprzeczność między produkcją a konsumpcją w gospodarce kapitalistycznej
Lenin is an author of a new interpretation of contradictions between production
and consumption in the capitalist economy. He claims that, these contraditions spring from the law of faster growth of output of production means. This law is educed
from Marx's reproduction schemes. Thus indirectly also the contradiction be tween
production and consumption ensues from reproduction schemes. Accordingly it
cannot consist in inability to implement the gross product. The essence of this
contradiction lies in the fact that in the capitalism, production is mainly developed
in the sphere of production means, it becomes an objective in itself, and cea ses
to serve its natural objective - i. e. consumption. Parallelly there appears in
Lenin's works a traditional interpretation of the discus sed contradiction in line with
the subconsumption theory. Similar views are represented by a legal Marxist — Tuhan-Baranowski. Polemics between Lenin and Tuhan-Baranowski appear to have
often resulted from misunderstanding.