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dc.contributor.authorPodolec, Barbara
dc.contributor.authorUlman, Paweł
dc.contributor.authorWałęga, Agnieszka
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents an analysis of the housing situation in Poland by province in terms of housing stock and its quality. The analysis was conducted in the context of the socio-economic situation of provinces and in terms of the financial capacity to meet households’ housing needs. Two sets of variables was isolated during the research. First one characterizes the sociodemographic situation of provinces, the second one describes the dwellings’ stock and their equipment. In the research was also taken into account the value of the composite statistic of dwelling conditions and the households’ financial condition across province. Subsets of provinces were distinguished by means of Ward's method and subjected to comparative analysis. The fit of spatial determinants of socio-demographic, financial character and the housing situation was reviewed. The analysis was complemented by an attempt at econometric modelling of phenomena characterizing the housing situation in selected regions.pl_PL
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiegopl_PL
dc.relation.ispartofseriesActa Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Oeconomica;293
dc.titleStatystyczna analiza przestrzennego zróżnicowania sytuacji mieszkaniowej w Polscepl_PL
dc.title.alternativeStatistical Analysis of Spatial Diversity of Dwelling Conditions in Polandpl_PL
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationUniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowiepl_PL
dc.referencesDiagnoza społeczna 2009. Warunki i jakość życia Polaków, (2009), J. Czapiński, T. Panek (red.), Warszawa, Raport Departamentu Analiz Ekonomicznych i Prognoz, Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznejpl_PL
dc.referencesGreene W.H. (1993), Econometric Analysis, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Londonpl_PL
dc.referencesGruszczyński M. (2010), Mikroekonometria. Modele i metody analizy danych indywidualnych, Wolters Kluwer Polska Sp. z o.o., Warszawapl_PL
dc.referencesPociecha J., Podolec B., Sokołowski A., Zając K. (1988), Metody taksonomiczne w badaniach społeczno-ekonomicznych, PWN, Warszawapl_PL
dc.referencesPodolec B., Ulman P., Wałęga A. (2011), Spatial Differences in Housing Situation in Poland, referat wygłoszony na 18th Polish-Slovak-Ukrainian Scientific Seminar Statistical Analysis of the Economic and Social Consequences of Transition Processes in Central-East European Countries, Krynica-Zdrój, 25th–28th October, 2011pl_PL

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