Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Brioflora kompleksów leśnych Bełchatowskiego Okręgu Przemysłowego, cz. I
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)
The paper(lst part of a longer series is based on results of studies
performed within the project 09.10., research subject "Effeet of the excevation mine and electricity works on forest complexes of
the ...
Okrzemki torfowiska w Magdalenowie
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)
In samples taken fron the Magdalenow peat bog (Piotrków voivodeship)
248 taxa of diatoms were identified. Asterionella fibula (Bréb.) Bust, is a
new species for the flora of Poland. Pinnularia polyonca (Bréb.) 0. Müll,
is ...
Flora segetalna Wzniesień Łódzkich
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)
The segetal flora of the Łódź Upland includes 302 species of vascular
plants and 8 species of Bryophyta. A high contribution of apophytes is typical
for this flora (174 species). From among the apophytes, meadow and ...
Materiały do flory Polski w Herbarium Universitatis Lodziensis, cz. IX
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)
The paper contains materials on the genus Juncus elaborated on the basis
of »heets collected in Herbarium Universitatis Lodzlensis. The following
species are considered: Juncus alpinus VL11., J. ambigvus Gurs., J. ...
Flora synantropijna Sulejowa i Podklasztorza
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)
Studies of the synanthropic flora of Sulejów and Podklasztorze were carried
out in the years 1974-1978. Moreover, plant species cited previously in
the literature from all synanthropic species of the above localities ...
Flora glonów Bełchatowskiego Okręgu Przemysłowego
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)
The paper contains a physical-geographical description of the Bełchatów
Industrial District (Fig. 1). In samples taken from the Widawka River above
the mine, from draining channels, and from the artificial and natural ...
Materiały do flory Puszczy Pilickiej
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)
The author gives the new localities of 468 plant species gathered during
studies of forest communities in river basin of Pilica (in middle part).
Special notice shuld be given to localities of species which are very ...
Niektóre nowe i rzadkie gatunki we florze segetalnej Wyżyny Częstochowskiej
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)
The investigations of the segetal flora in the Częstochowa Highland carried
aut in 1976-1978 enable to make a list of 85 species of segetal flora.
New species in flora of Częstochowa Highland are given (Silene ...
Flora porostów Wzgórz Radomszczańskich i ich pobrzeży
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)
This paper presents a list of 262 lichen species, belonging to 29 families
and 55 gene"ra, and their distribution within the mesoregion of Radomszczańskie
Hills (WR), a part of the Central Little Poland Upland (Kondracki ...
Docent dr habil. Halina Rutowicz 2 VIII 1929 - 9 II 1979
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)