Flora i roślinność rezerwatu jodłowego „Błogie” w województwie piotrkowskim
The investigations were carried out in the years 1979-1980 in
nature reserve „Błogie”. Following plant communities are distinguished: Carici
elongatae-Alnetum Koch 1926, Circaeo-Alnetum Oberd. 1953, Tilio-Carpinetum Tracz.
1962 abietetosum Zaręba 1971 variant with Chrysosplenium alternifolium and typical
variant as well as Pino-Quercetum Kozł. 1925 abietetosum Olaczek 1965. In all
phytocoenoses may be seen damages as a form and phases of degeneration. It is
a result of incorrigible management of forest. Among 289 species of vascular plants
it is worth to note a mountain species - Lycopodium selago.