Awifauna lęgowa rezerwatów w Puszczy Pilickiej
From 1979 to 1981 investigations of breeding birds communities were
conducted in four oak-hornbeam reserves situated in Pilica Forest. In the „Błogie” and
„Gaik” reserves the abundance of breeding birds was determined by using mapping
technique in two subsequent breeding seasons. A total of 66 breeding bird species within
the area of this reserves was recorded. The highest number 61 species was found in the
„Błogie” reserve and lower number 48, 44 and 31 in the „Jeleń”, „Gaik” and „Spała”
reserves respectively. The density of pairs ranged from 92 to 122 per 10 ha. The group of
dominant species always consisted of five bird species: Sturnus vulgaris, Fringilla coelebs,
Erithacus rubecula, Phylloscopus sibilatrix, Parus major.