Krzywa Phillipsa i NAIRU - teoria i praktyka
The following study raises the question of an inverse relationship between inflation and
unemployment, which constitutes a crucial issue connected with conducting economic policy
of a country, particularly monetary policy. The concept of the Philips curve, which describes
this relationship, has evolved considerably over the last forty five years. As a result of this
evolution, the model of the Phillips curve has been expanded to encompass expectations as
well, which in turn has led to the development of the NAIRU theory. On the basis of this
theory it is possible to determine the real cost of disinflation in relation to the level of
unemployment. The research results connected with the Philips curve and NAIRU in Poland which have
been presented in the study show that there exists a considerable difficulty connected with
estimating the parameters of the Phillips curve and, as a consequence, with the value of
NAIRU. The reasons for these problems can be associated with the violent changes occurring
in the Polish economy, particularly in the first half of the 1990s. In this connection, the
attempts o f determining NAIRU are mainly based on the statistical data coming from the
later period. The value of NAIRU in Poland in the years 1995-2002 is estimated at 12-16%
- which is a level commonly regarded as high. Due to the limitations presented above an
unequivocal evaluation of monetary policy based on the NAIRU theory seems to be impossible.