Teksty reklamy telewizyjnej
Short advertisement films occupy a large part (especially around the peak viewing hours)
of everyday programmes of the Polish stale television. Even though it is possible to imagine
an advertisement film employing only extralinguistic means of communication, the advertisements
in generał, have so far been using written and spoken texts. The basic function of such a text
and of the whole film is to encourage the viewers to buy the advertised product. However,
independently of the sender’s intention, both the film and its text may have other functions'
The same text repeated many times can be stored in memory, and then called to mind, at
least in fragments, just like certain belles-lettres expressions. As such, it can become an inviting
and intrusive language pattern.
The article concentrates on the most important, in the author’s view, features of television
texts, their contents, composition, and syntax. It also justifies the need for a morę detailed
analysis of such texts.