Wobec cywilizacji hipotetycznej. Spaemann, (po)nowoczesność, postsekularyzm
Robert Spaemann is one of the leading contemporary philosophers
whose thought is focused on Christian ethics. Despite his bonds with
the Catholic Church he does not use philosophy to “prove” a doctrine
but proposes individual ideas avoiding reductions. His reflections on
people’s naturalness and historicity, teleology, paradoxicality of science
do not lead to simple solutions but are the consequence of participation
in the society of contingency. The authoress of this sketch considers if
Spaemann’s thought could be inspiring for non-Catholics, as well as
ponders over its connections with postsecularism, working out the
modernity in respect of religiosity. This article shows what appears
from his interpretations to the critical members of (post)modern
society and where today is a place for heading for “the immortal
rumor”. The authoress explains how Spaemann argues for the potential
of anthropomorphic view and human ability to go beyond himself –
which does not lead into nothingness.