Koncepcje menedżerskie w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem
Analysis of this subject ensues from the author 's conviction ,
that at the time of introducing the economic reform in Poland it
is advisable to ponder over the fact whether the present managerial personnel in enterprises will be able to adjust to new conditions, and whether a routine economic activity does not pose a main barrier on the way of exe cut ion of the reform.
A leading motif of t his article is the author 's wish to show
that such a threat does exist and the chance for its elimination
is managerism.
On the basis of rich American and West-European experience
the author has made an attempt at creating a similar system
although one that is more closely adapted to our economic conditions .
The first part of the article is a chronological review
of works written by chosen representatives of the managerial
trend starting with its precursors and ending with the present
time . It was the analysis of these works that paved the way for
further deliberations on the subject .
The managerial model is first of all synonymous with a new
"economic thinking " . Such thinking may be implanted in the society through new forms of education , that will ultimately allow to obtain a qualitatively better managerial personnel, and these are the problems analyzed by the author in the further part of the article.
Finally , the third part of the article deals with analysis
of ‘the way in which Polish managers should be used in the future
reformed enterprises .