Wyświetlanie pozycji 7-25 z 25

    • Etyka w pracy dziennikarza muzycznego 

      Milczarek, Remigiusz (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The Author focuses on the ethical problems faced by a music journalist, with special attention paid to the press review (based on examples taken from “Metal Hammer”, a magazine on music).
    • Filmowa reprezentacja weryfikacji w środowisku dziennikarskim 

      Barczyk, Agnieszka (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      There are few academic works on the “PRL journalism”. The “Verification” which took place at the time of the martial state in Poland was one of the most significant occurrences in the journalistic world of the eighties. ...
    • Funkcjonowanie newsów w przekazie telewizyjnym 

      Grzegorzewski, Krzysztof (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The text is focused on the characteristics of news in daily TV programmes, such as the news or broadcasts on round-the-clock television (e.g. TVN 24). The author proposes a definition of news and tries to approach its ...
    • Intertekstualność i gatunkowość jako klucz interpretacyjny filmu Trzy kolory. Biały Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego 

      Fiołek-Lubczyńska, Bogumiła ORCID (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The article defines notions such as intertextuality and film genre. These notions enable the interpretation of Kieslowski’s Three Colours. White. Its reception from an intertextuality perspective shows its affinities ...
    • Komentarz (sportowy), relacja (sportowa), sprawozdanie (sportowe) – przegląd stanowisk 

      Grochala, Beata (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The aim of the paper is to present the various attempts to name the genre of texts in which a presenter gives an account of a sports event: a sports commentary, running commentary, and news broadcast. The author presents ...
    • Miejsca, w których uprawia się myślenie. Działalność czasopism kulturalnych w Polsce po 1989 roku 

      Nolbrzak, Renata (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      After 1989, when the borders were opened and the censorship, which had blocked the independent cultural activity, disappeared, free market appeared in Poland. The important proponents of the cultural life, particularly ...
    • Między ideałem a możliwościami – recenzowanie muzyki poważnej w prasie codziennej 

      Sasin, Magdalena (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The Author addresses the problem of reviewing classical music in daily press (based on the example of “Gazeta Wyborcza”), paying attention to such problems as the editor’s requirements, the character of the reviews, as ...
    • Od redakcji 

      Bogołębska, Barbara; Woźniak-Łabieniec, Marzena ORCID (Primum Verbum, 2012)
    • Prawda w pracy dziennikarskiej. Moje doświadczenia 

      Boniecki, Adam (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The text addresses the rules of truth in media broadcast and the search for, as well as the publication of, truth in accordance with journalistic ethics. The author gives examples of fact (“truth”) manipulation and the ...
    • Programowanie muzyki w radiowych stacjach mainstreamowych (z uwzględnieniem formatu CHR) 

      Skrzypkowski, Krzysztof (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The author describes the issue of musical programming in mainstream radio stations (based on CHR format). He defines the most popular radio formats, presents the history of programming, and points out the basic mechanisms ...
    • Publicystyka z zakresu muzyki poważnej w polskich mediach ogólnopolskich i regionalnych 

      Sasin, Magdalena (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The author analyses commentaries on classical music in the Polish media. She indicates that this kind of journalism appears rarely in the broad-range press, on the radio and on television, but that it plays an important ...
    • Realizacje muzycznych formatów stacji radiowych na polskim rynku medialnym 

      Garcarek, Agnieszka (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The private media have initiated many changes and triggered competition for audiences. One of the changes adjusting the radio to the audiences’ preferences. This article provides a definition of the main radio forms, ...
    • Rola muzyki we współczesnym reportażu radiowym 

      Klimczak, Kinga; Czarnek, Paulina (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The aim of this article is to show the functions which music can perform in radio report-age. The analysis is based on documentaries created over the past decade by famous Polish reporters, such as Katarzyna Michalak, ...
    • Segmentacja polskiej prasy muzycznej 

      Mikosz, Joanna (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The article consists of several parts. The first one introduces the formation of Polish music press since its inception – from the times of the country’s partitions. In addition, the author describes the history of this ...
    • Specyfika pracy dziennikarza muzycznego w radiu publicznym 

      Stańczyk, Piotr (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The Author specifies the role of a musical journalist and a radio DJ in a public radio station, dividing DJ duties into five categories: playing DJ broadcasts, preparing programmes of two types, music series and musical setting.
    • Tekstowe gry przeglądarkowe – nowa płaszczyzna gier fabularnych 

      Nowaczek, Karolina (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The article addresses the subject of text-based browser games belonging to the RPG genre. The characteristic feature of this game type is its social aspect and a greater level of immersion. Role-playing games have adapted ...
    • Wątki antysemickie w „Kurierze Łódzkim” w okresie międzywojennym 

      Hrycek, Miłosz (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      “Kurier Łódzki”, boasting a rich publishing tradition, was one of the most important daily newspapers in the Interwar period. Thanks to, among others, “Kurier’s” owner, Jan Stypułkowski and his activities, Łódź soon ...
    • Z warsztatu operatora telewizyjnego 

      Ścieszko jr, Stanisław (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The paper focuses on the work performed by a television operator: the way of recording news, current tendencies in filming footage, factors conducive to long shots and master shots, the various difficulties (for example, ...
    • Znaczeniowa funkcja muzyki w słuchowisku 

      Bachura, Joanna; Pawlik, Aleksandra (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      Music is one of the aural components of radio drama. The aim of this article is to de-scribe the function as well as the meaning of music in radio drama. Numerous examples used in this paper indicate a dual character of ...