"Nieuleczalna choroba na Polskę" - Polska i Polacy w publicystyce prasowej Andrzeja Szczypiorskiego
The article is dedicated to problems of Poland and Polish people in Andrzej Szczypiorski’s
selected journalism. The author presented his views by interpreting and expressing his opinion
about various situations and facts. Some of his thesis (e.g. regarding W. Gomutka’s government
or Polish attitude during the consolidation of communism authority), changed in the course of
time as well as with the modification of social-political reality in Poland (liquidation of
Other thesis regarding the Polish Right, the role of Church in the intellectual life of the
country under communism, historical significance of “Solidarity” and the need to build a civil
society were consequently sustained by the author.
The critical attitude the author represents is closer of speaking the “painful truth” than
affirmation. In this way Szczypiorski - in the eyes of a reader - comes across as an intellectual
who has independent, in some cases radical opinions. He thinks in social categories and has
a tendency to see only dangers and mistakes.