Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica nr 007/1981
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Problemy planowania gospodarki narodowej. System proporcji w socjalistycznej gospodarce narodowej
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The article discusses the essence of interpretation and systematization of proportions appearing in the socialist economy. In order to present the problem of proportions against the background of characteristic features ... -
Przyczyny zgonów w Łodzi w latach 1960-1973
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The problem of mortality rate of inhabitants of Łódź according to causes of deaths was discussed in comparison with four big towns of Poland i.e. Warsaw, Poznań, Cracow, and Wroclaw. In the light of this comparison for ... -
Postęp techniczny a przemiany struktury zatrudnienia w budownictwie (Analiza i wyniki badań)
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Polityki Regionalnej, Zakład Planowania i Polityki Ekonomicznej, 1981)The article deals with the influence of technical progress on structure of employment in the construction industry. In the conditions of present development, changes of employment are, to a growing extent, mining a ... -
Problemy rozwoju budownictwa jednorodzinnego na przykładzie Łodzi
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)In the five - year period of 1976-1980 con struction of one-family houses is supported by the state as a potential source of faster satisfaction of housing needs also in towns. Decisions of central authorities promote ... -
Zmiany w sytuacji mieszkaniowej w Łodzi latach 1960-1975
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The article contains an analysis of quantitative changes in the process of improvement of housing conditions with provisions made for the influence of housing construction on changes in housing situation of Łódź in the ... -
Analiza wykorzystania kwalifikacji kadr z wykształceniem średnim i zasadniczym zawodowym na przykładzie Łodzi
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1981)The analysis of utilization of personnel with secondary school and basic vocational education background was performed on the basis of results furnished by census of personnel employed in the socialized economy performed ...