Elementy detektywne w kompozycji "Bleak House" Karola Dickensa
"Bleak House" has been considered Dickens' most significant
contribution to the emergence of the detective genres in English
literature. This opinion has generally been formed on thé basis
of the episode in which Inspector Bucket unravels the mystery
of Tulkinghom's murder. Having undoubtedly all the structural
features of a well constructed deteotive story this episode
seems not to exhaust the problem. By means of detailed analysis
of particular aspects of the novel the paper tries to find
other elements which contribute to the same effect. Thus, strong
detective tendencies are found in the composition as well as
function of several other characters (particularly Tulkinghorn),
in some motifs other than that of the murder of Tulkinghom
(e.g. the secret of Lady Dedlock), in the characteristic structure
of these motifs (question - activity directed towards finding
the solution - the solution).
Confronting the comparatively great number of detective
elements present in the whole novel with those from the Bucket
episode the author tries to find out why it is only the latter
fragment that immediately strikes the critics as a deteötive
story the rest of the novel being seldom mentioned. The answer
is provided by the analysis of narration and viewpoint.
Skilfully playing with two narrators - Esther (in the form
of a diary) and the author - Dickens is constantly changing the
scope of their point of view. In the case of Esther he moves
from a typical retrospection of a person who- knows what will
happen later to a person who registers every incident at a
given momentj in the case of the author the narrative forms
cover a very wide range from an omnipresent and omniscient Olympian
commentator of human actions as well as thoughts and intentions
to an external witness of events only.
When analysed closely these numerous shifts in viewpoint
show striking consistency - the greater the number of detective
elements in a given fragment the stronger the tendenoy to limit the knowledge of the narrator and, in this way, to approach the
"Dr. Watson narrator" - a narrative technique moet suitable for
the requirements of detective genres. The application of this
technique in the Bucket episode accounts for the general characterization
of it as a typically detective composition; its
lack in the remaining part of the novel results in a frequent
overlooking of many elements of undoubtedly detective character.
Such use of the shifting viewpoint shows, on the one hand,
Dickens' instinctive feeling for the best coordination between
theme and form, and, on the othex- hand, underlines the significance
of the problems of narration in the detective genres.