Ethos retoryczny: między téchne rhetoriké a dziedzinami praktycznymi
Inquiring Aristotelian conception of rhetoric as an art of persuasion, the
author of the article aims in presenting rhetorical ethos and rhetoric
itself in reference to practical disciplines, politics and ethics.
Understanding rhetoric’s autonomy as a theoretical postulate this
inquiries introduce a demand of functionality and axiological awareness:
to treat art of rhetoric as an organon for the practical disciplines and to
acquire attention of normative problems concerning particular features
of rhetoric and rhetorical ethos.
The article investigates Aristotle’s original conception of rhetoric and
the troubled but essential connection between techne and praxis.
Proposing a solution, the author initially puts forward a project of
establishing a new normative conception of rhetorical ethos meeting the
demands of contemporary praxis (especially in the field of education) on
the basis of a concept of uprightness.