О непродуктивных суффиксах наименований лиц мужского пола (на материале русского языка XVII века)
In the article the author analyses word-formation and semantics of personal nouns of masculine
gender, derived with the help of unproductive suffixes in the 17th – century Russian language.
The suffixes mentioned are: -анин, -ак, -ант, -ар/-арь, -ер, -тырь, -ач, -ич/-евич, -им, -ина, -ка,
-ыка, -ок, -ух, -их, -ца (-ица, -йца, -ница), -ачей/-чий (-ичий, -ничий), -ий. The research shows
that sufixes -ар/-арь and -анин are more frequently used than others in described derivational
process, and suffixes like -ант, -ач, -им, -их, -ыка, -ырь can be found only in single personal
nouns. What is more, we can talk about the specialization of some of them. Some nouns reveal
synonymous meaning, eg. трубач – трубачей, ходок – ходак, горожанин – гражанин, and in
several cases we can deal with the loadings from west-european languages, eg. аптекарь,
музыкант, мушкетер.
In general, in comparison to the most productive in Russian language of 17th century suffixes
-тель, -щик, -ник and -ец the unproductive ones are rare in secular literature of that period.
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