Regulacje prawne działalności oraz sprawozdawczości finansowej organizacji pożytku publicznego w Polsce i na świecie w świetle teorii agencji
Charity organization is a type of not-for-profit organization, however special purpose of this
organization is not only nonfinancial, but to act for other people's benefit or the whole environ-
ment. Capital companies prepare financial statements for their investors. Charity organization has
not investors, but donors. Its revenues come from individuals, governmental institutions or private
organizations, that don't expect the return from their „investments" . The charity organization
doesn't have to guarantee to reach the particular goal, but only the good intention. However, the
donor can expect that his money will be used effectively, that chosen group of people will be
supported. The problem appears, when the goals of managers or employees of the charity is
different than the goal of the donor (entrepreneur, individual or governmental institution). The
differences can influence and cause the agency cost. The aim of the paper is to find the answers
some questions, among which the most important is: how the regulations of the financial reporting
and financial control of the charities can change the agency costs and if the financial statement
prepared by the charities is a significant document for the donors.