Stosunek kobiet pracujących do pracy w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej
The author, presenting the attitude of women to work in the GDR, proves
a hypothesis that work for women is more of a life need than a condition of
existence. Comparing the attitude to work and to problems connected with it of
women and men she finds confirmation for deep transformations which have been
effected and are taking place in the GDR’s society. The second part of the article
deals with the problem of the place held by the family life and duties ensuing
from it in the life of women against the background of attitude to work. The
author points out that majority of women in the German Democratic Republic
place on the same level professional tasks and family duties.
Since — as it was confirmed by studies — women perform less complex
functions, their integration with the enterprise is slower, which exerts some
impact on the analyzed participation of women in the rationalization movement,
involvement with production problems, and interest in improvement of professional