Kolektyw pracy w społeczeństwie socjalistycznym
The author begins his article with general discussion of the importance and
role of collective working groups in the socialist society. There is especially
emphasized the thesis that „collectivity” is a historical process of development of
groups of employees taking place in the socialist society. By means of sociological
studies carried out in different enterprises in the GDR the author is trying to
define factors determining it and degree of implementation in practice of collectivity
features in the analyzed working groups. These studies prove that in the
German Democratic Republic there is well advanced implementation of the model
character of socialist relations of working people. To prove this statement the
author quotes among others opinions of workers that good relations between
colleagues are indispensable to achieve satisfaction in work and positive appraisal
of the place of work. The assessment of these relations depends on the degree of
friendliness and matter-of-fact as well as critical climate in the working group
An important role in this process is also played by the socialist superior and the
political organization — the core of collectivity.
When summing up the article, the author presents a list of eight criteria being
components of social maturity of the working group.