Materialne warunki pracy w ocenach robotników
Material working conditions, understood as a set of external factors determining
health and security of workers, constitute an important element of more
widely understood working conditions. They are connected with the qualify of
the environment of the worker and with his class consciousness. Already Marx
and Engels drew attention to significance of physical working conditions for the
situation of the working class. These problems are equally important today which
is confirmed by the number of accidents at work, number of people exposed to
professional diseases, size of absenteeism, percentage of workers exposed to
physical and chemical hazards. Data form this sphere quoted by the author can
hardly illustrate the scope of the phenomenon and they do not describe it fully.
Numerous researches conducted in Poland and abroad testify that in the
hierarchy of values connected with work the physical working conditions hold
a distant position with a negative assessment of these conditions exerting but an
insignificant influence on dissatisfaction with work and the place of work. The
author warns here that one should not draw a conclusion that physical working
conditions ceased to represent an important criterion of assessment of work and
attitude to work as their role is undergoing changes with time. In a „normal”
period they are generally treated as unchangeable, and independent of an individual,
aspects of work to which one should get adjusted. On the other hand, in
periods of tensions and eventual conflicts they are often considered to be unbearable
and as such they become an object of workers’ revindication.
Finally the author puts forward a thesis that in conditions of the socialist
society improvement of the physical work environment should be prompted not
only by economic advantages, which may result from it, but primarily bу a humane
consideration represented by the benefit of a working man.