Rozwiązywanie problemów mieszkaniowych osób bezdomnych na Ukrainie na tle sytuacji w Polsce
In this article approaches toward solving housing problems of the homeless in Ukraine and in Poland are compared. Particular attention is paid to the types of housing objects and their location. The report on the situation in Poland became a basis to formulate recommendations for new Ukrainian housing policy concerning the homeless. In the group of almost several hundred thousand homeless people in Ukraine, the majority are citizens of working age and with secondary education. Although single people largely prevail in this group, the numer of those with families is increasing. According to the official estimates, in Poland there are 30–40 thousand homeless people. This group consists mainly of middle-aged unqualified men, mostly single ones. It is observed that the period of being homeless is extending each year. Similarly, the share of highly educated homeless is increasing. Both in Poland and Ukraine, people deprived of their homes concentrate in urban agglomerations and big cities. The authors conclude that shaping Ukrainian housing policy ought not focus on shelters, which are oriented towards chronic homeless, but on dwellings which enable rehabilitation, socialisation and re-integration of the excluded people with the society. Social rehabilitation should consist of 2–4 stages depending on individual cases. For each of the stages a type of dwelling is suggested. The article provides also some remarks on location of dwellings for the homeless. They are aimed at minimizing tensions between the homeless and the community where the institution is supposed to operate. W artykule podjęto się porównania podejść do rozwiązywania problemów mieszkaniowych osób bezdomnych na Ukrainie i w Polsce. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono rodzajom obiektów mieszkaniowych oraz ich lokalizacji. Omówienie aktualnej sytuacji w Polsce stało się podstawą do sformułowania rekomendacji odnośnie kształtowania nowej polityki mieszkaniowej w zakresie lokalizacji i projektowania obiektów mieszkaniowych dla bezdomnych na Ukrainie.