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Editorial Board
Georgi Minczew (Editor-in-Chief)
Mirosław J. Leszka (Co-Editor-in-Chief)
Kirił Marinow (Scientific Secretary)
Małgorzata Skowronek (Scientific Secretary)
Andrzej Kompa
Karolina Krzeszewska (Secretary)

Editorial Council
doc. dr hab. Hana Gladkova (Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze)
prof. James Douglas Howard-Johnston (Corpus Christi College, Oxford)
prof. nadzw. dr Ewald Kislinger (Uniwersytet w Wiedniu)
prof. Eliza Małek (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
ks. prof. Józef Naumowicz (Uniwersytet im. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego)
dr hab. Szymon Olszaniec (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika)
prof. Stefano Parenti (Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, Rzym)
prof. Rustam Shukurov (Uniwersytet Moskiewski)
dr Yuri Stoyanov (Uniwersytet w Londynie)

Reviewers (vol. 2, 2012)
Stanisław Adamiak (Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome), Hassan Badawy (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Katarzyna Balbuza (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Jacek Bonarek (Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce / Piotrków Trybunalski), Ilona Czamańska (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Wojciech Dajczak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Cristiano Diddi (University of Salerno), Jarosław Dudek (University of Zielona Góra), Andrzej Gillmeister (University of Zielona Góra), Fiona Haarer (University of London), Marek Jankowiak (University of Oxford), Rafał Kosiński (University of Białystok), Marzanna Kuczyńska (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier (Jagellonian University in Cracow), Ireneusz Mikołajczyk (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń), Angel Nikolov (St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia), Georgi N. Nikolov (St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia), Zdzisław Pentek (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Günter Prinzing (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), Bernardo Bissoto Queiroz de Moraes (University of São Paulo), Silvia Schiavo (University of Ferrara), Bronisław Sitek (University of Warmia-Mazury in Olsztyn), Yuri Stoyanov (University of London), Lawrence Totelin (Cardiff University), Frank Trombley (Cardiff University)

Linguistic editor
For English – Frederick Lauritzen

Cover designed by Sebastian Buzar
On the cover: Fragment of an inscription with the law of the emperor Anastasius I, concerning the custom and tax regulations in Hellespont, found in Abydos (Çanakkale, today in Archaeological Museum, Istanbul, nr inv. 3016 T)

Edition is financed by:
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland
Pro-Rector in Charge of Research of the University of Łódź
The Director of the Centre of Tax Documentation and Studies of the University of Łódź

The issue is published in cooperation with the Library of the University of Łódź.


Taxes in the Mediterranean. Ancient Roman Perspective

1. Preface
Paweł Filipczak, Przemysław Kubiak
2. Peculatus – several remarks on the classification of the offence of embezzlement of public funds in Roman law
Krzysztof Amielańczyk
3. Fund Collection through Litigation by the State Treasury in the Roman Empire (with special reference to the first three centuries A.D.)
Marzena Dyjakowska
4. Imprisonment of tax non-payers – an abuse of Power or a measure of legal discipline?
Przemysław Kubiak
5. On some Fiscal decisions of caligula and vespasian
Anna Pikulska-Radomska
6. Remarks on some tax exempts in Ancient Rome
Piotr Sawicki
7. The abuses of exactores and the laesio enormis – a few remarks
Jacek Wiewiorowski


1. The Church of Divine Wisdom or of Christ – the Incarnate Logos? Dedication of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople in the light of Byzantine Sources from 5th to 14th century
Zofia Brzozowska
2. Islam, Arabs and Umayyad rulers according to Theophanes the Confessor’s Chronography
Błażej Cecota
3. A „Divine Sanction” on the Revolt: The Cult of St. Demetrios of Thessalonike and the Uprising of Peter and Asen (1185–1186)
Anastasia Dobyčina
4. Quss Ibn Sa’ida al-Iyadi (6th–7th cent. A.D.), Bishop of Najran: An Arabic and Islamic Cultural Hero
Marek M. Dziekan
5. St. Symeon the New Theologian and Western Dissident Movements
Bernard Hamilton, Janet Hamilton
6. Health and Culinary Art in Antiquity and Early Byzantium in the Light of De re coquinaria
Maciej Kokoszko, Zofia Rzeźnicka, Krzysztof Jagusiak
7. Moving through Medieval Macedonia: Late Modern Cartography, Archive Material and Hydrographic Data Used for the Regressive Modelling of Transportation Networks
Mihajlo Popović
8. The Defence of the Long Walls of Thrace (ΜακράΤείχητῆςΘρᾴκης) under Justinian the Great (527–565 A.D.)
Jacek Wiewiorowski
9. Periodic Revival or Continuation of the Ancient Military Tradition? Another Look at the Question of the katafraktoi in the Byzantine Army
Michał Wojnowski
10. Digital Presentation of Bulgarian Lexical Heritage. Towards an Electronic Historical Dictionary
Anna-Maria Totomanova

Book Reviews

1. Vasilka Tăpkova-Zaimova, Anisava Miltenova, Historical and Apocalyptic Literature in Byzantium and Medieval Bulgaria
Ivan Biliarsky
2. Священное Писание как фактор языкового и литературного развития. Материалы Международной конференции „Священное Писание как фактор языкового и литературного развития (в ареале авраамических религий)”, Санкт-Петербург, 30 июня 2009 г., ed. Е.Н. Мещерская
Zofia Brzozowska
3. Abū Ğa‘far Muhammad Ibn Ğarīr At-Tabarī, Historia proroków i królów. Z dziejów Bizancjum (do połowy VII wieku). Z języka arabskiego przetłumaczył, wstępem i komentarzami zaopatrzył Filip Andrzej Jakubowski
Błażej Cecota
4. Martin Hurbanič, Posledná vojna antyki. Avarský útok na Konštantínopol roku 626 v historických súvislostiach
Błażej Cecota
5. Mary Beard, Pompeii. The Life of a Roman Town / Pompeje. Życie miasta
Paweł Filipczak
6. Илия Илиев, Св. Климент Охридски. Живот и Дело
Dimo Češmedžiev
7. А.А. Чекалова, Сенат и cенаторская aристократия Константинополя IV – первая половина VII века
Andrzej Kompa, Mirosław J. Leszka
8. František Čajka, Církevněslovanská legenda o svaté Anastázii
Małgorzata Skowronek
9. Jacek Bonarek, Bizancjum w dobie bitwy pod Mantzikert
Teresa Wolińska
10. Yuri Stoyanov, Defenders and Enemies of the True Cross. The Sasanian Conquest of Jerusalem in 614 and Byzantine Ideology of Anti-Persian Warfare
Teresa Wolińska
11. Vladimír Vavřínek, Encyklopedie Byzance, s autorskou spolupraci Petra Balcárka
Jan Mikołaj Wolski
12. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian the Apostate, eds. N. Baker-Brian, S. Tougher
Michał Zytka


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