Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Mathematica
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Folia Mathematica is a mathematical journal edited by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Lodz since 1984 (previously as Acta Universitas Lodziensis. Folia Mathematica.
Nazwa: Folia Mathematica
ISSN: 0208-6204
e-ISSN: 2450-7652
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Format: Open Access (licencja CC BY-NC-ND)
Ukazuje się od: 1984 r.
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Recent Submissions
On the generalization of the approximate continuity
(Wydawnictow Uniwerystetu Łódzkiego, 2003-01-05)This paper contains the concept of the generalization of the ap- proximate continuity. The main result concerns that this continuity is equiv- alent to continuity with respect to some type density topology -
Ideal Convergence of Sequences and Some of its Applications
(University of Łódź Press, 2017)We give a short survey of results on ideal convergence with some applications. In particular, we present a contribution of mathematicians from Łódź to these investigations during the recent 16 years. -
On Compact Sets of Compact Operators on Banach Spaces not Containing a Copy of l^1
(Łódź University Press, 2010)F. Galaz-Fontes (Proc. AMS., 1998) has established a criterion for a subset of the space of compact linear operators from a reflexive and separable space X into a Banach space Y to be compact. F. Mayoral (Proc. AMS., ... -
On a Generalized Sturm-Liouville Problem
(Łódź University Press, 2010)Basic results of our paper are devoted to a generalized Sturm-Liouville problem. -
A Classical Approach to Dynamics of Parabolic Competitive Systems
(Łódź University Press, 2010)We study the reaction-diffusion system, its stationary solutions, the behavior of the system near them and discuss similarities and differences for different boundary conditions. -
Stability of the Volterra Integrodifferential Equation
(Łódź University Press, 2013)In this paper, the Hyers-Ulam stability of the Volterra integrodifferential equation and the Volterra equation on the finite interval [0, T], T > 0, are studied, where the state x(t) take values in a Banach space X. -
Some Non-Measurable Sets
(Łódź University Press, 2010)This paper contains constructions of some non-measurable sets, based on classical Vitali’s and Bernstein’s constructions (see for example [6]). This constructions probably belong to mathematical folklore, but as far ... -
Spatial and age-dependent population dynamics model with an additional structure: can there be a unique solution?
(Łódź University Press, 2013)A simple age-dependent population dynamics model with an additional structure or physiological variable is presented in its variational formulation. Although the model is well-posed, the closed form solution with space ... -
Integrable Functions Versus a Generalization of Lebesgue Points in Locally Compact Groups
(Łódź University Press, 2013)Here in this paper we intend to deal with two questions: How large is a “Lebesgue Class” in the topology of Lebesgue integrable functions, and also what can be said regarding the topological size of a “Lebesgue set” in R?, ... -
Addenda to my work: "Estimation of the functional |a_3 - aα_2^2| in the class S of holomorphic and univalent functions for α complex"
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991)In this paper there has been investigated a set of values of a mapping connected with a maximal value of the functional |a_3 - aα_2^2| in the well-known class S of functions holomorphic and univalent in the unit disc ... -
On the symmetric continuity
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991)W artykule podane są pewne warunki konieczne oraz pewne warunki dostateczne na to, by zbiór był zbiorem wszystkich punktów symetrycznej ciągłości funkcji f: R → R. Ponadto dowodzi się, ie istnieją zbiory nie będące ... -
Some remarks on Egoroff's theorem
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991) -
A note on intersections of certain topologies on R
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991)Intersections of topologies related to the density topology and their category analogue are characterized in this paper. -
Struktura czasu pracy własnej studentów I roku matematyki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991)Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba zbadania realnego obciążenia nauką studentów I roku matematyki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. W badaniach poszukiwano odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: 1) czy dzienny i tygodniowy rozkład ... -
Characterization of polynomials in algebraic elements with commutative coefficients and its applications
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991)Ten artykuł jest uogólnieniem pracy autora [7], w której określone i opisane są wielomiany charakterystyczne dla wielomianów z elementami algebraicznymi w liniowym pierścieniu przemiennym. Także przedstawione są przykłady ... -
On Darboux points and the perfectly closed class of functions
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991)The present paper is intended to discuss problems connected with operations on Darboux functions at some point x₀. -
Über eine Eigenschaft konvexer Mengen und ihre Anwendung
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991)Man beweist, daß jede abgeschlossene konvexe und nichtkompakte Untermenge des n-dimensionalen euklidischen Raumes mindestens eine abgeschlossene Halbgerade enthalten muß und mit Hilfe von dieser Behauptung untersucht man ... -
Entropy of transverse foliations
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991)A new definition of the topological entropy of a foliation is introduced in this paper. This definition is slightly different from the definition of the topological entropy of a foliation given by E. Ghys, R. Langevin, ... -
Some external problems in the class of holomorphic univalent functions
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991) -
Sur certaine propriété de la somme algébrique des ensembles dans l'espace linéaire-topologique
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1991)Ce travail est consacré à la condition suffisante de la fermeture de l'ensemble qui est la somme algébrique de deux sousensembles fermés dans l'espace linéaire-topologique.