Znaki na dnach naczyń z dworu obronnego w Orłowie
Archeological investigations of the fortified manor in Orłów, parish of
Bedlno, province of Płock provided a very interesting pottery material. In
total, 12 318 fragments of utensils included 1390 bottoms of which 22 with
signs were gathered. The choice of signs of Orłów utensils is rather inconspicuous.
The sign of a simple cross drawn with a thin line of arms
length from 2 to 3 cm appearing on 17 specimeni was the most common. In four
cases the sign of Maltese cross and in one case the cross inscribed in a circle were observed. It is hard to determine whether there are identical
signs among them because of the bad state of preserved specimens (the majority
of them is rubbed away). Almost all bottoms with signs belong to group A -
i.e. pottery so called "traditional" and only three should be prescribed to
group AB - possessing features of both traditional and "progressing" technology
(biscuit-fire in reduction process). All signed bottoms date back to the
second half of the XIIIth century - the first half of the XVth century.
Analysing the function of signs three fundamental conceptions arise:
proprietary signs of producers, proprietary signs of buyers and magic signs.
As to Orłów signs the last conception seems to be the most probable.