Turyzm w Bułgarii
Dans l'article on a présenté les principales directions des recherches scientifiques
dans le domaine de la géographie du tourisme et des autres sciences
s'occupant, en Bulgarie, des problèmes spatiaux du tourisme. On a caractérisé
les centres académiques d'enseignement des cadres, on a aussi présenté les
éditions bulgares consacrées à la problém atique du tourisme. Dans l'article,
l'auteur a mis à profit la littérature accessible du sujet ainsi que ses études
menées en Bulgarie en 1983. Growing inflow of foreign tourists to Bulgaria, whose number exceeded 6 million
persons in 1981, together with development of internal tourist movement intensified
among others by 5-day working week, have generated research interest
shared by many scientific disciplines. The theoretical knowledge about tourist movement and provision of services
for tourists, known as „tourism", is pursued in Bulgaria by representives of
economic and geographical sciences, architects, physicians and others grouped in
two biggest centres i.e. in Sofia and Varna.
The article discusses in greater detail research interests of the geography of
tourism and other sciences dealing with problems of spatial tourist movement in
Bulgaria. There have been distinguished four main directions of those studies. The article is based on the available literature of the subject and on the studies conducted by the author in Bulgaria in 1983.