Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-10 z 12
Ethical and political dilemmas of local self-government in Poland in the course of systemic transformations (1990–2018)
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
The study presents critical reflections on the course and results of Polish local self-government reforms from March 1990, when after 40 years of the system of territorial soviets (national councils), self-government was ...
Ethical aspects of the world trading system on the example of Fair Trade
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
The effect of globalization is not only an improvement of living conditions in developing countries, but also a widening of development disparities and economic inequalities between countries of the rich North and the poor ...
Corporate social responsibility in the light of Kant’s categorical imperative
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, especially his categorical imperative, is one of several ethical theories mainly used to morally legitimize actions, referred to as Corporate Social Responsibility. The aim of the current article ...
Consumer social responsibility
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
In our contemporary literature and academic discourse, we often see how popular the topic of corporate social responsibility is. It will be argued that another problem, tightly linked to this issue, and strongly influencing ...
Activity of German sports (football) enterprises and Corporate Social Responsibility
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
At the turn of the 1920s and 1930s, a new economic doctrine called ordoliberalism was born in Germany. The foundations of this doctrine were values such as responsibility, solidarity, justice, and freedom. Classics of ...
The chances and limitations of applying a CSR strategy in Polish enterprises
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
The topic of the article is the perspectives of CSR in Polish companies. The article contains a definition of corporate social responsibility, the state and dynamics of ethical reporting, and the factors that can influence ...
Assessment of investment attractiveness in shares of socially responsible companies based on the RESPECT index in 2009–2017
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
Both in theory and practice, it is emphasised that engaging in CSR actions brings many benefits to companies. One of the commonly listed advantages is more trust from investors, which enables the achievement of superior ...
The practice of CSR implementation in Polish companies according to the CSR advisors
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
The paper presents the experiences of advisers in implementing the concept of CSR in Polish enterprises. The article presents the results of surveys covering such issues as the implementation of CSR motives and actions ...
Transnational corporations as entities of informal influence. Some reflections based on the example of their engagement in activities directed at LGBT groups in Poland
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
The paper explores the assertion about multi-faceted tools of impact used by large corporations that aim to limit the subjectivity of consumers. It is based on the concept of “deep capture” (Hanson & Yosifon, 2003). Deep ...
The protection of customer personal data as an element of entrepreneurs’ ethical conduct
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018)
The right to the protection of personal data, which is part of the right to privacy, is a fundamental human right. Thus, its guarantees were included in the high-level regulations of the European Union as well as the legal ...