Browsing Turyzm/Tourism 2013, 23/1 by Title
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Atrakcyjne turystycznie źródła na niżu polskim
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013)On the basis of available published materials and his own research, the author identifies the 27 most attractive springs in the Polish Lowlands. He describes their most important landscape and tourism assets - the relief ... -
Bitwa Łódzka z 1914 roku jako szansa na rozwój militarnej turystyki kulturowej w metropolitalnym regionie turystycznym Łodzi
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013)Wars were and still are an intrinsic element in the history of mankind. They bring glory to the victorious, the bitterness of failure to the defeated, and always destruction and suffering to ordinary people, but at the ... -
Jak rozumieć turystykę przyrodniczą? Studium przypadku młodzieży akademickiej
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013)On the one hand in recent years nature tourism (turystyka przyrodnicza) has constituted a significant part of the tourism industry, on the other it has caused many problems for researchers attempting to define the phenomenon. ... -
Produkt turystyczny w gospodarce doświadczeń
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013)Przełom XX i XXI w. to rozwoju tzw. gospodarki doznań, w której podstawowym towarem stają się nie konkretne produkty, ale emocje, przeżycia i doświadczenia klientów. Turystyka była i jest swoistym "przemysłem wakacyjnych ... -
The Battle of Łódź 1914: A Chance to Develop Military Heritage Tourism in the Metropolitan Tourism Region of Łódź
(Lodz University Press, 2013)Wars were and still are an intrinsic element in the history of mankind. They bring glory to the victorious, the bitterness of failure to the defeated, and always destruction and suffering to ordinary people, but at the ... -
The Meaning of Genocide and Terror in Cognitive Tourism
(Lodz University Press, 2013)The article considers the influence of acts of terror and war crimes on both the development of tourism, or a lack of it. Terrorist attacks, the victims of which are tourists as well as local citizens, constrain or ... -
Tourist Product in Experience Economy
(Lodz University Press, 2013)The turn of the 20th and 21st c. was marked by the development of experience economy, in which the basic commodities are not specific products, but the customers’ emotions, impressions and experiences. Tourism has always ... -
Touristically-Attractive Springs in the Polish Lowlands
(Lodz University Press, 2013)On the basis of available published materials and his own research, the author identifies the 27 most attractive springs in the Polish Lowlands. He describes their most important landscape and tourism assets – the relief ... -
What is Nature Tourism? Case Study: University Students
(Lodz University Press, 2013)On the one hand in recent years nature tourism (turystyka przyrodnicza) has constituted a significant part of the tourism industry, on the other it has caused many problems for researchers attempting to define the phenomenon. ... -
Znaczenie ludobójstwa i terroru w turystyce poznawczej
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013)The article considers the influence of acts of terror and war crimes on both the development of tourism, or a lack of it. Terrorist attacks, the victims of which are tourists as well as local citizens, constrain or completely ...