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"e-Scripta Romanica" is an interdisciplinary scientific journal whose purpose is to disseminate the results of research in Romance languages, principally in the field of linguistics, literature, translation and didactics. As an international publication, e-Scripta Romanica publishes contributions in French, Spanish and Italian. It is published annually, in electronic format only, with the intention of spreading the study of Romance philology in the most extensive way. e-Scripta Romanica enables free and immediate access to all content published through its website.

Nazwa: e-Scripta Romanica
E-ISSN: 2392-0718
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Format: Open Access (licencja CC BY-NC-ND)
Ukazuje się od: 2014 r.

Strona internetowa czasopisma / Journal website

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